For animals


Our cares

Y'a Pas d'Os

The use of massage dates back millennia since it was one of the oldest forms of popular therapy during Greek and Roman antiquity. Massage was then one of the main means of relieving, even curing.

This technique is part of a holistic approach that considers the being as a whole. Its purpose is to make the mind happy and the body peaceful. It allows a spiritual and mental elevation of the human being and the animal.

The energetic virtues of stones have been known for at least 3 million years. The first account comes from the tablets of Nippur, in Mesopotamia, which testify of the use of minerals as well as plants in traditional medicine.

De la télépathie pour laisser votre animal s’exprimer

Des élixirs de plantes 100% naturels

Services massages lithothérapie, soins reïki pour animaux

Services massages lithothérapie, soins reïki pour animaux

Face-to-face sessions at your home in the canton of Geneva and Haute Savoie.

Positive Energy Touche
© Positive Energy Touches - 2022
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Horaires :
Lundi au Samedi / 10h – 20h