My Professional Journey
“Ten years ago, my profession didn’t exist.” Today, I am a masseuse, energy therapist, and canine wellness specialist.
Every day, I witness how much the well-being of our animals has become a priority in France and Switzerland.
There is a true global awareness, and thanks to this, legislation is progressing. This marks a step toward better animal welfare.
Dedicated training and passionate professionals contribute daily to improving the quality of life for our dogs.
Through my care, I am proud to contribute to this positive evolution. As one of my trainers said, everyone must do their part to raise awareness.
My Career Path
Reiki Master Practitioner Diploma
Geneva, Switzerland
Diploma in Lithotherapy & Energetic Medicine
Geneva, Switzerland
Certification in Canine and Feline First Aid
Lyon, France
Certificate in Tellington TTouch Basic Course
Loisin, France
ACACED (Certificate of Knowledge on Activities Related to Companion Animals)
Lyon, France
Training Certificate: Modules 1, 2, and Pro in Canine and Feline Massage
Geneva, Switzerland
Practitioner Certificate in Canine Massage
Practitioner Certificate in Magnetism
Bach Flower Advisor for Animals Certificate
Animal Communication certificate
Certificate in Animal Grief Support
With Irène Combres – Maison du Deuil Animalier