About Me

Does your pet have issues such as uncleanliness, destruction, barking, aggression, anxiety, cohabitation difficulties with other animals, adapting to a new pet, hyperattachment, hyperactivity, or pain?

I have also faced all of these challenges and today, I have solutions to help you!

Karine Lebocey

After working for twenty years in international finance as a trustee and wealth manager for high-net-worth clients, I felt the need to refocus and dedicate myself to animal well-being.

This shift began slowly in 2009 when I met my Shar Pei, Zac. It was love at first sight! For him, I changed countries, languages, and my work-life balance. Gradually, I built a stable and balanced life for him, full of love and surrounded by furry siblings!

Since Zac always had health issues, I often had to face the anguish of seeing him suffer and feeling powerless despite the advice and care of skilled animal health professionals.

Since then, I have also adopted two other dogs (Staffies) and three cats. Over the years, I have dealt with various issues, including uncleanliness, destruction, barking, aggression with biting, anxiety, cohabitation with other animals, integrating a new pet, hyperattachment, hyperactivity, and even the loss of a pet.

Naturally, this led me to pursue a professional reconversion to develop animal well-being, complementing the services provided by animal health professionals while staying true to my values and passion for helping animal lovers.

I have trained in both France and Switzerland and hold certifications as a canine and feline massage therapist, lithotherapist, Reiki Master in Consciousness™, practitioner in magnetism, Bach Flower advisor, and animal communicator.

My goal is to use all of this knowledge to relieve pain, bring well-being, and provide relaxation to both animals and their human companions!

Still unsure?

Read the articles featuring me:

Mouv’ Mag – March 2023

A shared therapy experience with your pet

Marie-Claire – August 2023

Energy care for animals at home and remotely, with Karine Lebocey

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