Energy Healing for You:

We often forget that our animals are emotional sponges. They feel our joy, sadness, stress, and discomfort. The animal becomes a true mirror of the human sharing its life. An inseparable duo!

Therefore, addressing the animal’s discomfort with massages and energy healing is a good start. But why not also care for the discomfort of the human?

My Energy Treatments

I offer you a moment of relaxation, release, and energy recharge with:


Magnetism Healing: Magnetism involves transferring the healer’s energy to the client using their hands. The action takes place on a physical level, and the effects are usually felt very quickly.


Reiki Healing: The Reiki Master channels the surrounding energies to the client. The action operates on physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. It is a deep healing that helps to rebalance both the body and the soul.


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