End-of-Life Support

I am here to support you at every stage of your animal’s life. The end-of-life period can be an emotional and difficult time, but you don’t have to face it alone.

Whether your animal is suffering from a terminal illness, facing age-related challenges, or you feel it’s time to offer them peace and comfort, I provide compassionate support and guidance.

Understanding the Needs at the End of Life

Animals, like humans, feel pain, stress, and suffering. Their condition may deteriorate with age or serious illnesses.

It is essential to recognize the signs that indicate your pet is approaching the end of life, such as:

  • Loss of appetite or weight
  • Difficulty moving or standing up
  • Respiratory or heart problems
  • Loss of interest in daily activities
  • Behavioral changes (restlessness, isolation)

These signs may indicate that it’s time to consider end-of-life care for your animal. Pain should not be minimized, and regular veterinary check-ups help better understand what your pet is going through.

With a veterinarian’s approval, I can help relieve some of your pet’s pain through wellness massages, energy healing, lithotherapy, or Bach flowers.

Emotional Support for Humans

The end of a pet’s life is a difficult moment for its human companions. Feelings of guilt, sadness, and sometimes helplessness can be overwhelming. It is important to recognize that the decision to let your pet pass with dignity is often an act of love and compassion.

I support you by:

  • Evaluating your pet’s quality of life
  • Discussing upcoming steps (palliative care, euthanasia, etc.)
  • Allowing you to express your emotions and questions
  • Offering a compassionate ear during both the anticipatory grief and the mourning of your pet
  • Helping you honor your pet’s memory
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